Kyle and the bag of garbage
ALLEGORICAL LIFE: I just found this picture, which I took the morning after my brother Kyle took a full bag of garbage down three (or was it four?) flights of fire-escape stairs. It was late at night after we’d been out for awhile, so no one noticed that Kyle was gone for about half an hour. As it turns out, the bag of garbage ripped and he spent the majority of that time gathering week-old garbage from the fire escape at about 2 a.m. In this picture, I feel like he still looks like he’s pissed. Like my cat Tiger looked when I’d dress her up in doll clothes (give me a break; I was six). But, for you, Kyle, life is rarely a broken bag of garbage in the middle of the night. Congratulations on your new job. And I promise I won’t fall asleep outside of your house this spring.