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Onward and outward

2011 March 14

There were several things that were less-than-stellar about my day today,but here are a few things that were quite stellar:

1. Today I used the phrase egress hence in my 11th grade class, and two kids knew what it meant. Jake, who paraphrased it, and Andy, who knew its exact definition. And both of them remember it from when we read Whitman’s “Song of Myself.” I love that phrase.  And I loooooove Whitman. Yawp! (Photo right: The Gap of Dunloe in Killarney, Ireland; a departure from this place, if you will).

2. Ryan volunteered to go buy our groceries tonight because I’m still sick and have grading to do. Ryan, you rock the grocery cart. And my heart.

3. A girl on the school newspaper who works so hard but doesn’t get a lot of accolades in life just had one of her school newspaper articles published in a national online publication that selects some of the best student articles in nationwide and posts them daily. Hurray for the underdog! Hard work does pay off sometimes.

4. Ann Marie and her “moral obligation to be happy.” Why the f*** not, right?

5. It’s six o’clock, and sunset is nowhere in sight.

6. This song is on my January mix, and I keep listening to it even though it’s way past January. Because it makes me happy. Be happy, too. Click play.


2 Responses leave one →
  1. Lynn and Karl permalink
    March 17, 2011

    Into the wild …here we come…56 more days to go! Thanks, a great start to my day!

    • Laura permalink
      March 17, 2011

      Holy crap! Only 56 days to go? Can’t wait to climb all over the rocks at Virgin Gorda. Today makes it feel like summer is not so far away at all.

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