Pretty June (in March)
ICE CREAM IN THE PARK: Tremont’s newest ice cream shop had the door propped open and three ladies inside were sawing things that will eventually hold delicious creamery. They’re a few doors down from Civilization on Kenilworth (right next to the park). It’s run by the same people who bake at A Cookie and a Cupcake, and they’re supposed to open in April. One more reason to stay in Tremont.
WHY IS IT SO PRETTY OUTSIDE? It’s 77 degrees, and I feel like I should be at the Romeo and Juliet part of the year instead of the research paper part. At any rate, the teenagers are ready for summer. And so am I. Ryan and I took the pup for a stroll in Lincoln Park after work, and I wore sandals. Who needs to go to Belize when Ohio’s this pretty?
WHERE TO GO FOR A FLAT TOP: Lately, I’m always on the lookout for a good place to take a break in the shade, so I noticed this cutlery-themed bench for the first time outside a barber shop by the park. Also, according to the sign in the window, they do flat tops. Win-win.
Congrats on your baby. My favorite gift to give expecting friends is books for the children. They’ll grow out of clothes but books will last for so much longer! Reading is a passion of mine. Good luck!