Wow. Great shot of the green leaves and green door. Purple is quite a bold choice for house paint, but I think it looks charming, actually. Also, not being a smoker, I am never plagued with the decision of where to place my cigarette butts (trash can? ash tray? hole in rock?), but I can appreciate that it must be a difficult one, requiring extensive forethought and creativity.
Janean! It’s great to hear from you. I do kind of like the purple though I’m not sure if Ryan and I could pull it off. Are you still blogging? Send me your address if you are. Hope you’re summer-of-wondering it up down in C-bus!
Wow. Great shot of the green leaves and green door. Purple is quite a bold choice for house paint, but I think it looks charming, actually. Also, not being a smoker, I am never plagued with the decision of where to place my cigarette butts (trash can? ash tray? hole in rock?), but I can appreciate that it must be a difficult one, requiring extensive forethought and creativity.
Janean! It’s great to hear from you. I do kind of like the purple though I’m not sure if Ryan and I could pull it off. Are you still blogging? Send me your address if you are. Hope you’re summer-of-wondering it up down in C-bus!