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Summer: (Almost) night walking

2011 August 19
Here are a few photos from a walk Ryan and I went on about a little while ago. I think the best part of the day in summer is when the sun is going down but it’s not quite dark yet. It seems to last longer in the summer than in other times of the year. There’s something about one day folding over into night, and it’s that moment of turning when we stop to listen to the sounds in the trees, to notice the breeze from our car windows, and wonder, what will be?

Lucky’s urban garden — is there a cheddar biscuit plant?

A pair of shoes on a stone ledge in Lincoln Park
(whose are there? why did they leave them neatly behind?)
Professor Street right before dark
The Russian Orthodox church across the street (some days we sit on our porch and count the number of people who take pictures of this church). It’s like that sideways/straight up shot of the Eiffel Tower. If you’ve ever brought your camera to Tremont, you have a picture of this church.
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