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2010 December 5

Everyone I know in Cleveland is loving this article by ESPN’s Wright Thompson. This writer completely captures Cleveland’s energy, issues, and a big chunk of its history.

When I was young, I always said I was moving away. Away to Florida, Kirabati, California. Away!  It wasn’t until I was old enough and self-sufficient enough to drive around in Cleveland without getting lost that I really got why people come back here. There are so many phenominal things in this town, but it takes time to learn the city well enough to find them.  This town has creative food, museums, low-key dives, gorgeous churches, funky neighborhoods, parks that make you feel like you’re in the center of a vast forest or along a river as long as the Mississippi, incredible festivals, tiny music venues, wineries, breweries, colleges, the biggest theater district outside New York. I can go on and on, but you can read the article. Now that it’s getting dark in the middle of the afternoon, let’s keep reminding each other that there are still reasons to go outside in Cleveland.

Also, to the writers on “How I Met Your Mother,” you can do better than this completely unflattering view of our hometown! Aren’t you from Cleveland? We appreciate the shout outs on Ted’s t-shirts, but if our stereotype is Punchy, well, please use your magical writing power (because really, you are amazing) to re-type us.


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