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You’re a hesitating beauty, Nora C.

2012 August 5

AUGUST LOVE: I’ve always been a pretty big fan of August. On the surface, I might tend to have  territorial love of August because it’s my birth month. But there’s something else about it too. It’s a middle place in which we’re looking forward to the next thing (college, school, fall, apple cider, sharpened pencils) but still ensconced in the loveliness of summer, and we’re still holding onto it as tightly as we can. Pretty things tend to happen in August like the Feast of the Assumption. Faulkner even named a book after its light.  I. love. August. This morning was the perfect August morning. We went for a walk in our neighborhood, which I completely missed while we were on vacation. We took The Snore to Civilization for some outdoor coffee, and headed home for waffles, windows open, and the breezes of an oncoming storm.

DO I LIKE FOLK MUSIC?: I just found this whimsical song by Woody Guthrie and Jeff Tweedy with Nora’s namesake, so we’ve been dancing to it all morning in the living room. I’ve been looking for a good Nora song, and I think I’ve found it. Also, Pandora says I might like folk music. “I’ll kiss you for each leaf on every tree…If you’ll quit your hesitating, Nora Lee.”


THE SEA: We took a road trip last week to Kitty Hawk, North Carolina, which I’ve been going to with my parents and brother for about 20 years. We just go every few years now, but it’s one of the few places Ryan and I can go where we’ll sit still all week. We’ll get crab legs for dinner then sit on our deck on the beach while Kyle plays us music. It’s the kind of place where there’s sand on everything. I love it there. We finally figured out that the sound of the waves put Nora to sleep, so we’d just take her out on the beach in her pajamas at night, and she’d fall asleep in about 10 seconds.

ONE MORE REASON TO LOVE LILLY: The chocolate shop across the street is magical for so many reasons including its fabulous owners, but now that I can’t eat dairy, there is one more. Thank you, Amanda and Josh, for making nondairy chocolate. I also found dairy free yellow cake mix, so my life is pretty complete at this point. Check out these cupcakes I just made. I ate three in one afternoon.

THE GREAT CONFLICT: Do we stay in Cleveland? We’ve been looking at houses in Bay Village. Well, Ryan is anyway. There are a lot of things I like about living there. We can go to the beach, walk in the woods. We can stroll up to the grocery store and Java Bay. My parents live there. Bay is a pretty beautiful place, and we did really  like living there. I can see Nora and I doing all of those things together in the summer. But every time we walk around our neighborhood or go sit on a bench in Lincoln Park, I change my mind. I love all of our festivals and people walking and sitting around on patios on Sunday morning. I like how quiet it is in the mornings and how busy it gets when everyone finally wakes up around 5 p.m. It’s a tough call: pretty city or leafy suburb?

One Response leave one →
  1. Hrcopsey permalink
    August 9, 2012

    That song is one of our very favorites, and Nora was on our list, had the boys been girls. Your Nora is just adorable.

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